Dictionary definition of apex

The word can also be used figuratively to describe the pinnacle or climax of a particular event or experience. In anatomy, the apex refers to the pointed end or tip of a structure, such as the heart or lung. The apex can also refer to the uppermost part of an object, such as the point of a spear or the top of a wave. In business and management, the term apex can be used to describe the highest level of an organization, such as the CEO or president.

Example sentences containing apex

1. The bird perched on the apex of the roof.
2. The apex of the mountain was covered in snow.
3. The apex of the pyramid is the pointy top.
4. The rocket reached the apex of its trajectory before falling back to earth.
5. The airplane reached its apex before beginning its descent.
6. The business reached the apex of its success before the recession hit.

History and etymology of apex

The noun 'apex' has a Latin origin that vividly illustrates its meaning. It comes from the Latin word 'apex,' which means 'the tip' or 'the summit.' In Latin, 'apex' was often used to describe the top or tip of various objects, including mountains, triangles, or pyramids. This etymology captures the essence of 'apex' as referring to the highest point or peak of something. Whether it's the pinnacle of a mountain, the top of a triangle, or the summit of a pyramid, 'apex' is the term that signifies the ultimate point, underscoring its position at the very top or tip of things.

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Further usage examples of apex

1. The singer's popularity reached its apex with the release of her latest album.
2. The apex of the church tower provided a stunning view of the city.
3. The apex of the bridge towered above the river below.
4. The company's stock price reached its apex before the scandal broke.
5. They reached the treacherous apex of the mountain after a grueling climb.
6. The eagle soared gracefully to the apex of the sky.
7. The apex of the pyramid was adorned with a gleaming golden capstone.
8. At the apex of his career, he was celebrated as a visionary leader.
9. The sun cast a warm glow over the apex of the snow-covered peaks.
10. Reaching the academic apex, she earned a prestigious scholarship.
11. The apex of the skyscraper offered breathtaking views of the city.
12. His ambition was to reach the apex of success in the business world.
13. The dancer leaped with elegance, reaching the apex of her performance.
14. The apex predator ruled the untamed wilderness.
15. The artist captured the vibrant colors of the sunset at its apex.
16. Reaching the apex of the roller coaster, they held their breath before the exhilarating descent.
17. The company's innovation reached its apex with the groundbreaking product.
18. She stood at the apex of her athletic career, holding numerous records.
19. The apex of the cathedral's spire pierced the sky, a marvel of architecture.
20. The explorer planted the flag at the apex of the uncharted peak.
21. His heart raced as he neared the apex of the thrilling race.
22. The apex of their love story was an enchanting proposal.
23. Reaching the creative apex, the artist produced a masterpiece.
24. The expedition team celebrated at the apex of their challenging climb.

TOEFL 9, Excellence and Eminence, Middle School 16, Extremes and Pinnacles